Saturday 21 July 2012

Gunman kills 12, injures 60 at US Batman screening

AURORA, CO - JULY 20:  Aurora Police Chief Dan...
AURORA, CO - JULY 20: Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates talks to the media July 20, 2012 in Aurora, outside of Denver, Colorado. According to reports, 12 people have been killed and at least 59 wounded when James Holmes allegedly opened fire inside a movie theater showing the 'The Dark Knight Rises.' Police have James, 24, of Holmes of North Aurora, in custody. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)

AURORA (Colorado): A masked, black-clad gunman in full body armor opened fire at a packed US movie theater showing the new Batman film Friday in a bloodbath which left at least 12 dead and nearly 60 injured.

Chaos erupted when the gunman tossed two tear gas or smoke grenades into  the audience at a midnight showing of “The Dark Knight Rises,” then gunned down  terrified patrons as they scrambled for the exits.
Police arrested the suspect — identified as 24-year-old James Holmes —  without encountering resistance by his car at the rear of the theater, in  Aurora, a suburb of the city of Denver, in Colorado.
Holmes, who reportedly attended the University of Colorado medical school  until last month, had no criminal record aside from a citation for speeding in  October 2011, according to police.
His nearby apartment was found to be booby-trapped with a sophisticated  arsenal of incendiary and chemical devices, which police chief Dan Oates said  could take days to defuse.
“This is the act ... of a very deranged mind,” said Colorado governor John  Hickenlooper at a press conference, where Oates revealed that at least three  weapons were used in the attack, which injured 59, many critically.
Witnesses described chaos chillingly similar to that depicted in the Batman  films, in which maniacal villains terrorize Gotham City.
“I saw some people start to get up. I poked my head up to see what was  going on and when I did that I saw another flash and instantly put my head down  as he started shooting again,” said 17-year-old Tanner Coon.
Cinemas in New York tightened security at Batman showings, and the AMC  theatre chain announced a ban on face masks and fake weapons — several people  wore costumes in Aurora, possibly helping Holmes to blend in with the melee.
The French premiere of the film in Paris was cancelled.
Holmes’ parents, who live in San Diego, were shocked but “fully cooperating  with law enforcement officials,” said a San Diego Police Department  spokeswoman, Andra Brown.
President Barack Obama cut short a campaign trip to Florida and returned to  the White House to address the situation, although his spokesman said there  appeared to have been no link to terrorism.
“Such violence, such evil, is senseless. But, while we will never know  fully what causes somebody to take the live of another, we do know what makes  life worth living,” the president told a somber crowd in Florida.
“The people we lost in Aurora loved and they were loved,” Obama said.
As with previous such shootings — all too regular in the US — lobby  groups and some political leaders called for legislation to restrict civilians’  access to firearms.
“Maybe it’s time that the two people who want to be president of the United  States stand up and tell us what they are going to do because this is obviously  a problem across the country,” New York mayor Michael Bloomberg said.
The US congressman for Aurora, Democrat Ed Perlmutter, called Holmes a 
“psychotic son of a bitch,” adding: “I’m sorry for the cussing. You know, it  just is boggling to my mind.”    Obama ordered US flags to be flown at half-mast for six days.
Oates, the Aurora police chief, said the suspect set off two devices to  distract the crowd and opened fire with an AR-15 assault rifle, a Remington  shotgun and a Glock automatic pistol.
At least two of the weapons were purchased legally, according to the gun  seller which sold them to Holmes, Bass Pro Shops.
“Based on the records we have reviewed, personnel in our Denver store  correctly and fully followed all federal requirements with respect to the sale  of one shotgun and one handgun,” it said in a statement.
He was dressed all in black, with a ballistic helmet, a ballistic vest, a  throat protector, a gas mask and black gloves, he said.
Ten people were killed at the scene and two more died of their wounds,  police said. At least three of the wounded were US military members. A local  children’s hospital reported six young victims, the youngest was aged only six.
Chris Jones, who was in the theater, said the shooting began about 20 to 30  minutes into the screening.
“People just started dropping. We were on the floor trying not to get  shot,” he said. “There was smoke. Then I heard ’bam, bam, bam.’ The gunman  didn’t have to stop to reload. Shots just kept coming, kept coming, kept  coming.”     Shots fired in one auditorium went through the wall and hit people in the  auditorium next door. Jones said by the time he got out, police were already in  the building.
Oates said the suspect told them about the explosives at his residence, and  the apartment complex where he lived — including five separate blocks — had  been evacuated and was being searched. 
Officers used a fire ladder to enter the building through a window. 
“Our investigation determined that his apartment is booby-trapped with  various chemical devices and apparent trip wires. We have an active and  difficult scene there,” said Oates. 
Aurora is barely 20 miles (32 kilometres) from the scene of the 1999  Columbine High School massacre, in which two students shot dead 13 people  before committing suicide. -- AFP
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